Historical examples of how corpses are handled

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People who intentionally donated their bodies:[edit]

Jeremy Bentham[edit]

the head thing is super creepy.

Bodies as religious artifacts[edit]

(bodies and parts of bodies used by institutions to conduct the power (for positive or negative means) they have in society); your arrangements are in essence a vote for increasing the power of the receiving institution.

Memento Mori[edit]



(science too)

People who unintentionally have had their bodies used by others[edit]

Funerary remains, and controversies with museums, academics, governments[edit]


Victorian Post-mortem Photography[edit]

Books made of Human Skin[edit]

Notable Embalmed People[edit]


Elmer McCurdy[edit]

people thought that his body was a mannequin

People who have arranged for their works to live on in possibly modified states

We don't yet know how to classify[edit]

Phineas Gage[edit]

can be seen at the Warren Anatomical Museum on the Green Line

Examples in Pop Culture[edit]

  • DKP systems
  • Foundation series (example of someone's will over time reaching into the future, in tension with the will of people in a given time)
  • The Ender Saga - Speaker for the Dead
    • I have a proviso for someone to fulfill this role at my memorial service in my Last Will and Testament.
  • Shadowrun - Dunkelzahn: Portfolio of a Dragon